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Liturgy Committee


The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy from Vatican II emphasizes "...the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist is supremely effective in enabling the faithful to express in their lives and portray to others, the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true church." Because of this, liturgy shapes our identity and forms our lives as Christians and members of St. Peter the Rock Parish.


With this goal in mind, the Liturgy Committee is concerned with providing authentic worship within the life of the parish. The Committee is composed of various parishioners with expertise in the liturgy.

Its members make a commitment to their own spiritual development and education as well as take responsibility for the liturgical education of all liturgical ministers and the worshiping community.


The Liturgy Committee also plans the church environment for various seasons. Liturgical seasons with focused themes and visuals, sacramental celebrations, and other liturgical events are all celebrated within the framework and the scriptures of the Liturgical Cycles.


Help is needed in designing and fabricating the various decorations for the seasons.


For more information on this committee, or to volunteer for work or ministry, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.



Music Ministry (Choir)


At our parish Music Ministers lead the assembly in song, prayer and worship.

At its essence, the purpose of liturgical music is to praise God and to help the faithful pray in song. When we give ourselves in prayer to God, the gift we give is magnified and returned to us many times over. Singing together, we are in rhythm together. We breathe together. We blend and sometimes harmonize with one another. Our individual voices combine to create a beautiful whole and our sense of community is greatly enhanced.


The songs we sing are carefully chosen to emphasize the teachings and concepts of the scriptures. They help us to absorb God's Word more fully, especially when we recall the tune and, more importantly, the message throughout the day. Music touches our hearts in a way that words alone cannot.


Our music ministry is composed of dedicated singers and musicians who serve us by leading and supporting our active participation in worship.


You are cordially invited to join us. Please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.

The Rosary Group


Since 2013 St. Peter the Rock parishioners have been praying the Rosary before Weekend Masses. Father Liem Nguyen, pastor, encouraged parishioners to pray the Holy Rosary together. 


The grace of the prayer to the Holy Mother has lit the journey to Jesus for so many - whether through painful recovery to addictions, troubles and challenges in families, the loss of loved ones, or when everything in life seems darkest. Catholics have historically and with great faith viewed Mary as the person through whom the Savior comes, the one who will defeat evil on earth.

According to St. Louis de Montfort, the shortest and fastest way to Jesus is through a dedication and devotion to Mary.


Praying the Rosary can help us face the often harsh realities of life with hope and grace. Many who’ve prayed the Rosary have experienced a sense of peacefulness during challenging times.


Come to the Mass thirty minutes early to join others to pray Holy Rosary. No doubt, it is the best way to prepare yourself for the Holy Eucharist Celebration.


For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.


Altar Server


Altar Serving is a liturgical ministry. It is a service to the gathering of God's people at mass, at prayer services, funerals, and weddings. The server assists the presider; prepares the altar; leads three processions during Mass; makes sure that what is needed for the celebration is brought, carried or moved into place.


Outside of the priest or deacon, altar servers, more than any other liturgical ministry, are concerned with almost every aspect of the celebration of the liturgy. Those involved in this ministry are boys and girls in fifth grade through high school who have received their First Communion. 

We pray that parents allow and give their children the opportunity to serve God as altar servers.


For further information, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.


Worship Commission



In many denominations of the Christian Church, a Church usher is the first official representative seen when entering the church. The role of the usher in church is often considered one of honor.


The concept of an Usher is not new. In the Old Testament, there were positions addressed as "Doorkeepers" or "Gatekeepers", and their roles were very similar.(2 Kings 22:4) (1 Chronicles 9:17-27) (Psalms 84:10)

Jesus' disciples can be considered ushers, in the sense that they:

  • Prepared the way for Jesus.

  • Kept order among those listening to Christ.

  • Served food to the audience.

  • Cleaning up after a service, such as the Feeding of the Five Thousand.


In modern times, the church usher has many duties. Depending on the church's denomination, size, and preferences, ushers may perform all, some, or a few of the following:


  • Welcome people at main door

  • Assist attendants to find seats in case they are late

  • Collect the tithes and offering

  • Distribute bulletins at the end of Mass

  • Help visistors if they need.

  • Inform Pastor before Mass all visitors (name, and where they live) so that he can welcome them.


Ushers are required to be punctual and time conscious as they are required to be in the church far earlier than the rest of the congregation, who may still be at Sunday school. Adequate spiritual preparation by the usher ensures a service full of the presence of God.


For further information, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.


Eucharist Minister


Eucharistic Ministers prayerfully serve the people of Holy Family by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations.

Those called to this ministry have, or soon acquire the grace in movement and reverence in touch.  Reverence in touch is especially important for Eucharistic Ministers since their whole work involves taking in hand the vessels of the Body of Christ and of the Blood of Christ and sharing them with everyone.


Why Eucharistic Ministry?
Eucharistic Ministers make the communion rite take place in a timely fashion.  This is not a matter of efficiency, but recognition that its meaning cannot be separated from our experience of it in the ritual.  When “going to communion” takes a long time, and we are not sharing a meal with our brothers and sisters, then the communion rite loses its association with the Eucharistic prayer and the breaking of the bread.  The number of Eucharistic ministers is based on the number of communicants at Mass.


Volunteer Ministry Opportunity

To distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to those who come forward during the eucharistic celebration. Those who choose not to receive the Eucharist are welcomed with a blessing.



  • Assist the presider in distributing Eucharist at Mass.

  • Find your own replacement if you are unable to serve when scheduled.

  • Offer to minister on Holy Days and other special feasts.

  • Offer to minister even when you are not scheduled.

  • Attend the annual Liturgy Reflection Day, usually held a Saturday morning in the Spring.



  • To be a Eucharistic Minister is to be intent on the work of liturgy caught up in singing, procession and even silence.

  • To be a Eucharistic Minister is to know deeply that we are the Body and Blood of Christ.

  • To be with the praying community is to learn how to be in this world with reverence, with a love of God that is incarnate in how we speak to others, how we move amidst the holiness of matter and of time.

  • A fully initiated Catholic, having celebrated the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and First Eucharist.


For further information, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.



DC Tom Kretzmer (Chairperson)


Liturgical Environment


With three weekend Masses (5:30pm on Saturday; 10am, 12:30pm/3pm on Sunday), and daily 8:00 am Mass, weddings, and funerals, there are between 40 linens used weekly at St. Peter the Rock Parish. These include the linen purificators, the corporal for the chalice, altar cloths, and hand towels. The washing, ironing, pick-up, and delivery have been faithfully tended to by some ministers of the Altar Society. 


In addition, chalices and cups also are required special care periodically. Every two weeks they need to be throughful cleaned.


We thank these devoted parishioners for their dedication, and their stewardship through the gift of time and talent.


If you would like to join this ministry or

for further information, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.





is a devout member of the St. Peter the Rock Catholic Parish who is led by the Holy Spirit and is prepared, by way of prayer, study, and deep reflection, to PROCLAIM the Word of the Lord.


According to the ancient tradition and the teaching of the Church, the readings other than the Gospel are proclaimed by lay ministers called lectors. The use of two readers – one for each reading – is encouraged.


The proclamation of the Word of God is truly a ministry in the Church. Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. In and through them God speaks to the gathered faithful. The ministry of the Word, therefore, is treated seriously and with great dignity.


The Word of God is not merely read during the liturgy. It is proclaimed. Effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction and appropriate pace. Proclamation is a special ministry which presupposes faith and also rouses faith in those who hear the Word proclaimed.


All liturgical ministers, especially the ministers of the Word, must be properly trained for their ministry. The ministry of the Word requires skill in public reading, knowledge of the principles of liturgy, and an understanding and love of the scriptures.


Lectors are fully initiated, practicing Catholics whose lives witness to the Word which they proclaim. In order that the service of the Word might be effective, all lectors are expected to be prepared for their ministry.

Preparation should be spiritual, scriptural, and practical. Spiritual preparation involves prayer over the text and reflection on its message. Scriptural preparation involves understanding the text and interpreting it sufficiently so as to evoke a response from the assembly. Practical preparation involves mastering difficult words, learning the right pronunciations and practicing the delivery of the text aloud, ideally in the presence of someone who is able to critique the delivery. It is unacceptable to rush into the sacristy just before Mass to “look at the readings” (Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass #55).


Immediate preparation is also expected of all lectors. This requires arriving at least 15 minutes before the liturgy, locating the readings in the Lectionary, arranging the microphone, making sure that the sound system is properly functioning, and attending to any other duties as required by the parish.


For further information, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.


706.648.2599 (phone)
706.648.4040 (fax)
St. Peter the Rock Catholic Church
3594 Barnesville Hwy.
Thomaston - GA 30286
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