Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:30a-2p
3594 Barnesville Hwy. Thomaston, GA 30286
706.648.2599 (phone)
706.648.4040 (fax)
Welcome to Online Giving!
We the family of St. Peter the Rock Parish are grateful for your support of our Church.
Online giving allows you to make contributions to St. Peter the Rock Parish without writing checks or worrying about cash donations.
This site permits you to set up automatic contributions and change the timing or the amount of your gift at any time.
You may make pledges and manage your contributions to the pledge amount, and you may make one-time donations to special causes.
Pleases click on “Online Giving” and complete your initial registration.
Thank You.
PLEASE Remember
St. Peter the Rock Parish in your WILL!
We need your prayer and financial support in order to build:
A Grotto with Columbarium.
A new Santuary.
More Classrooms for children.
Play ground for children.
Vegetable Garden for our kitchen.
In case you want to cut check directly to the Church,
please make check available to:
St. Peter the Rock Catholic Church
Memo: Donation
and send to:
St. Peter the Rock Catholic Church
PO Box 280
3594 Barnesville Hwy
The Rock, GA 30285
If you need help to set up your WILL, or want to know how to make a GIFT to the Church, please call the Parish Office 706.648.2599.