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Amy Vaughn

Bob Westerfield

Sherre Rohling



Religious Education at St. Peter the Rock, or Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) operates from August - May of each year. Classes are held on Sunday Mornings, and are open to all children ages Pre-K through 10th grade. Currently we serve students in Upson, Pike, Lamar, Spalding, Monroe and Taylor Counties. We celebrate the Sacrament of First Holy Communion every May and the Sacrament of Confirmation every two years.


We use the RCL Benziger FAITH FIRST Legacy Edition texbook series. This series was selected because of its "spiral approach" to our Catholic Faith. Children learn about their faith in increasingly complex ways as they mature. Each unit is divided into the four parts or Pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church - We Believe (Creed), We Worship (Sacraments), We Live (Christian Morality) and We Pray (Personal Relationship with God). In addition to the textbook, many teachers take advantage of trusted Catholic websites to supplement their weekly lessons.


The Catechists at St. Peter the Rock share in the mission of the Church to proclaim the Good News of God's unconditional love. We are challenged to participate in this mission through an ongoing process of faith development by:

   - Proclaiming God's word

   - building a faith community

   - celebrating through worship and prayer

   - calling forth authentic witness and service.


Traditionally, the CCD program oversees the Christmas Nativity pageant and the annual Easter Egg Hunt.


We are blessed to have Mrs. Sherre Rohling as CCD Director. She has served as the Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) since St. Peter the Rock was established on May 20th, 2005. Prior to that, she served as the CRE at St. John the Baptist Mission from 1992-2005. With an eye towards consolidating the two missions, Sherre was asked to oversee the Religious Education program at St. Ann's Mission from 2004-2005.


Our teachers this year (2015-2016) are: Amanda McEvers, Alondra Ruiz-Miranda, Jennifer Campbell, Katia Roque, Kattie Rohling, Dylan Blohm, Dawn Potter, Jim Shaw, Jerry Henry, Don Stagg, and Jaemon McLeod.


We also don't forget that parents are their children's primary educatiors. Learning about God begins in the home and is sustained there.


For more information about CCD program please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.



Bible Study/Adult Education


There will never come a time when we know everything there is to know about God and the way God acts in this world.


There will never come a time when we have our own Christian lives completely figured out and know exactly how to act and what to choose in every situation.


Our Christian education continues until the day we die. "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face."

1 Corinthians 13:12


Therefore, the Christian Education Commission is working hard to bring something new for us to learn.


Recently, group meet one hour (8:45am - 9:45am) on Sunday to pray and discuss certain subject in the Chapel.


For further information and time of the next meeting, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.


Theology on Tap


Theology on Tap is a new program of lectures in the parish offered by Deacon Tom Kretzmer in 2015. At each gathering he or a speaker addresses  different topics in religion and theology.


Originally, Theology on Tap was cofounded by Father John Cusick, a resident of Old St. Patrick's Parish, and director of the archdiocese's Young Adult Minister and Father Jack Wall in June 1981 in Arlington Heights, Illinois.

The gathering is open to the public is also hoped to bring in a broad audience.


For further information, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.

Youth Group


Hello from the St. Peter the Rock Youth Group!


The St. Peter the Rock youth group is for teens and youth from the 8th grade ages 13-18. It contains both faith formation and social components.

The faith formation component consists of

the program for small-group faith-sharing, occasionally Eucharistic holy hours, Bible studies.

Youth are also encouraged to take part in loving service to the parish. Beginning school year 2015, they were asked to participate in various ministries of the parishes. Some help welcome people before Mass, or assist serving at parish parties or social events. 

Socialization includes some offsite activities, games, bowling, fishing, trips, and conversation with friends.


For further information, please contact the Parish Office at 706.648.2599.

Christian Education Commission


706.648.2599 (phone)
706.648.4040 (fax)
St. Peter the Rock Catholic Church
3594 Barnesville Hwy.
Thomaston - GA 30286
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